Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Mercury retrograde has been a bitch this time around. Full moon, lunar eclipse and planets lining up all at an already stressful time where so blatantly a pagan holiday has been taken over by a bully. Blah, blah, blah, I'm so glad the pressure is off, near completely off.
I can sleep again, the sleep of darkness, warmth and dreams. The deep sleep of winter. Sinking deep down into the rich dark earth and healing, dreaming. So many past issues regurgitated into December, my head still spins during my wakeful hours.
Today I return to my volunteer work for a local women's shelter that provides free services to women and children of abuse. Haven't volunteered since I was a teen and I'm glad I decided to do community service again. I had ( and still have sometimes) a hard time acclimating to the multiple egos that rear their ugly heads from the many volunteers. It's amazing to me that there are STILL office politics even when no one is collecting a paycheck. I stupidly thought since we were all volunteering our time we'd all be equals, my ridiculous utopian naivete shines again. My lesson is to figure a way to get women to work together. Patriarchy has ruled us for too long.
All in All, things are getting back to manageable again. I shall have a better plan in place for December next year. I had a beautiful Solstice but the "muggle" xmas thing wears me out, on many levels.
Happy hibernation !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are awesome for getting back into volunteering.

Also, I couldn't love that cartoon any more.