Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We Stand On The Shoulders Of The Sisters Before Us

I feel inspired to start a series of posts that share with you the women who have been teachers to me (and many of us) along my journey. No matter how great or small a nudge I needed, they were there for me through written word, song, video, weekend workshops & festivals and apprenticeships. This will be long, there are so many. Some sisters have left their teachings behind and moved on to their next adventure and many still remain on this planet with us today. This I do in Her service.


Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful and inspiring my idea. I look forward to reading them all!

I'm Not Wiccan, I'm a Witch said...

Thank you for reading and your comments keep me inspired !
My list of sisters is long, hopefully I will inspire and empower many women along the way.